Ludvigson Tiling
 Call us: 320-226-7022
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Now Operating 2 Wolfe Tile Plows

Ludvigson Tiling: Improve Field Drainage Now to      Maximize    Profits!
 Ludvigson Tiling is locally owned and operated land improvement contractor and  offers affordable, professional, and effective services for all your drainage tile needs.  We use the latest design installation and mapping tools to ensure our project is accurate and affordable.All of our work is 100% guaranteed. We install our tile with 2 self-propelled Wolfe tile plows and  the latest GPS systems. There is no other machine control more accurate. We offer preliminary designs by Benchmark Drainage Survey and Design of Canby, MN . We also offer a variety of dirt work services such as tree/grove removal, ditch cleaning, building demolition, and much more. 

Benefits of System Drainage:
Increased yields, reduced compaction, lower drying costs, less soil erosion, deeper root growth, and longer growing. 

                                                      Our goal: INCREASE YOUR YIELDS!
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2016 LICA Contractor of the Year